Many books are written by “industry experts”. SWM publishes business to business construction magazines, including Metal Roofing, Frame Building News and Rural Builder. These three magazines alone have a combined history of over a century. 100,000 + builders, contractors and industry professionals look to Shield Wall Media for news, advice and best practices for construction. In the Pro Tips On series, our contractors, actual subject matter experts share that information.
Written by industry experts, Pro Tips On educational books have been designed with contractors and consumers in mind. Readers will understand their building needs and likes so they end up with the quality result their investment deserves. Positive results equal builder recognition and generate referrals…an all-around industry win.
All of the people who contributed to this book series wanted to help consumers have great installation experiences. We hope these books help users end up happy customers.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback here: [email protected]